20 February 2005


Posted by Hello
Quiche [KEESH]
noun , a rich unsweetened custard baked in a pastry shell often with other ingredients such as vegetables or seafood.
源自於法國東北方Alsace-Lorraine地區,它是於油酥皮上,放入蛋,鮮奶油,調味料與洋蔥,洋菇,火腿,海鮮或香料等各式食材,在予以烘培而成.最著名的是Quiche Lorraine,不過因為我之前嚐過Spinach quiche覺得味道不錯,介紹下面的recipe

Spinach Quiche
1/2 package frozen chopped spinach
6 eggs
1/4 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 and 1/2 cups milk
1/2 cup Swiss cheese
1 frozen pie shell
Place frozen spinach in perforated pans and let thaw. Cook spinach for approximately 3-5 minutes. Do not over cook. Let cook and drain. Mix eggs and flour to form smooth batter. Add season salt, whole milk, Swiss cheese, and the cooked spinach. Mix thoroughly. Pour 1 quart of mix into unbaked pie shell. Bake in a 325 degree oven until toothpick comes out clean. Must be nicely browned. Cut pie into six and serve.

1 comment:

Winonayuan said...

之前在美國的conversation partner家嚐到道地的Spinach Quiche,味道真的很讚.