04 September 2005

Wire Fox Terrier 剛毛獵狐梗

昨晚在北投的一戶人家看到一隻可愛的獵狐梗,起初還以為是幼犬的size,沒想到他已經是10歲的老狗了!比我想像中小一些,可惜我們沒有帶相機,沒法讓大家看可愛的恰比。我們摸摸他,也跟主人曹小姐請教一些梗犬的問題,這位曹小姐養動物很多年,感覺是經驗老到,也是位愛護動物的主人唷!(她家還有楓葉鼠,貓咪兩隻,還有一隻像是古代牧羊犬+貴賓的米克斯) 既然沒有"恰比"的photo,只好拿其他獵狐梗充個數了
Breed Group: Terrier
Weight: male: 17-19, female: 15-17 lbs
Height: 15.5 inches
Color(s): white should predominate (brindle, red, or liver markings are objectionable)
Coat: Dense wiry texture. Undercoat is finer, shorter and softer. May be crinkly or slightly wavy but never curly.
Overview: The Wire's coat is crinkled and wiry with a soft undercoat. He needs brushing twice weekly and clipping every few months. Fox Terriers are lively little dogs--busy, bouncy, alert and always ready for action. The Fox Terrier is loads of fun for older children who can give him daily play and exercise. He has a saucy manner and a happy sense of humor.
Character: The Wire Fox Terrier is energetic and playful. It is quick to play with children but may bite. It is alert and loyal to their family.
Temperament: Is an aggressive dog. Has been known to pick fights with other dogs. Although good watchdogs, they do like to bark.
Care: Brush with a firm bristle brush and bathe as needed. If wanting to show dog, dog must have coat stripped several times a year.
Training: Smart and able to learn new tricks. Must be obedience trained.
Activity: Needs plenty of exercise. May get destructive without it.


Winonayuan said...




Winonayuan said...

嘿嘿....We Love SCWT文章數已達100篇囉~~賀!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

我還以為之前的吃comment症狀變成repeat症狀了....haha 以為眼花了